档案: Product Bulletins

Aquapure Bio 230

Aquapure Bio 230 is a balanced powdered blend of inorganic salts of nitrogen and phosphorus that act as readily available macronutrients for microbes to create optimal biomass growth conditions and maintain a resilient biomass.

Aquapure Bio 52L

Aquapure Bio 52L odor eliminator is a superior, multiple action product that effectively eliminates a wide variety of offensive odors caused by the degradation of organic matter. Aquapure Bio 52L concentrate contains an inorganic compound, which has been proven to chemically convert H2S into non–odorous, nontoxic byproducts. Aquapure Bio 52L also retards the formation of… 阅读更多»

Aquapure Bio 50

Aquapure Bio 50 is a blend of naturally occurring, non–altered microorganisms and growth stimulants formulated to efficiently degrade carbohydrates, 蛋白质, and fats (FOG). The bacteria in Aquapure Bio 50 produce multiple types of enzymes such as Protease, 淀粉酶, 酯酶, 脲酶, 纤维素酶, 木聚糖酶, and Lipase to break down waste products associated with meat processing, 奶牛场, 蔬菜…… 阅读更多»

Aquapure Bio 20

Aquapure Bio 20 is a broad spectrum of bacterial cultures designed to degrade most industrial wastes. The cultures in Aquapure Bio 20 are capable of degrading phenols, 醇, 表面活性剂, 洗涤剂, 乙二醇, 萘的, 胺, 腈, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, 酮, 切削油, 苯乙烯, 杂环化合物, and low levels of cyanide. Aquapure Bio 20 will enhance BOD, 鳕鱼… 阅读更多»

Aquapure BIO 20 H

Aquapure Bio 20 H is a broad spectrum of selected and thermophilic microbial cultures designed to degrade hydrocarbon industrial wastes, thereby enhancing TOC, BOD and TSS removal in industrial or joint municipal/industrial wastewater treatment plants operating under thermophilic conditions. The cultures in Aquapure Bio 20 H are capable of degrading wastes containing strong organic matter… 阅读更多»

Aquapure Bio 20 C

Aquapure Bio 20 C is a broad spectrum of selected and adapted, psychrophilic microbial cultures designed to degrade hydrocarbon industrial wastes, thereby enhancing TOC, 鳕鱼, BOD and TSS removal in industrial or joint municipal/ industrial wastewater treatment plants operating under cold water temperature conditions (2°to15°C). The cultures in Aquapure Bio 20 C are capable of… 阅读更多»

Aquapure B-CAT

Aquapure B–CAT is an emulsion, cationic polymer. It has a very high charge density and is designed to enhance liquid/solid separation in a wide variety of industrial applications. It works well on organics and bio–waste. It also can break oil/water emulsions. Aquapure B–CAT is designed to mass precipitate so that it will settle rapidly. Aquapure…… 阅读更多»

Aquapure AS Plus

Aquapure AS Plus is a dry anionic flocculant for wastewater treatment, which is formulated for use in settling suspended precipitates in wastewater. Aquapure AS Plus will cluster the suspended solids into a manageable mass. The Aquapure AS Plus may be used in conjunction with coagulants for conventional hydroxide precipitation systems or with organic precipitants.